We tried...

...various different combinations on this see-saw today...including one with Mr R.

Couldn't get a combination that was balanced!

A good walk round the Helix today in the early afternoon after the boys had had "awesome" fun at a friends birthday party at the Megazone laser game centre. Awesome was the wee fella's review :-)

Home to sort through some laundry and help the boys get rid of some books they have out grown. They are worse than me at letting go. The wee fella has held on to some so he can pass them on to his children!

Bit of an ad hoc tea but it was actually pretty tasty...smoked haddock, brown rice, a boiled egg and some salad...ended up a " sort of" kedgeree and a tasty one at that:-)

Grateful for the ingenuity of Mr R coming up with that tasty dinner.

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