WRITER'S BLOCK by Matthew Swegsda <<< song link

Does inspiration ever truly run out if we know how to look for it? This song I have written was inspired by the wonder that is writer's block. Personally I have never had this problem because I only write when I feel inspired to write and I don't feel pressure to produce. It usually just comes along at a steady pace and if you don't have anything to write about then it's time for a change in my book so don't be scared to just live life until the time is right. Inspiration is in everything. It can find me driving a car, walking on the street, on a plane, waking up in the middle of the night or lying hungover on the floor of my bathroom. People inspire us so surround yourself with all kinds and be open minded. Writing is only a form of expression and if you let it flow through you, then more will come out the other side. That being said, I don't always finish songs straight away or finish a piece of music straight away because the inspiration simply may not have matured enough for me to do so and there is still just that something missing. The wonder of life allows things to come to you as and when you need them so I am patient in that respect. If you believe this then sure as can be, the answer will always present itself and the missing piece of the puzzle will turn up at just the precise time. Usually I will have 20+ songs in construction but may just be filled with inspiration and finish a new song in less than 30 mins. Sometimes I throw 2 unfinished songs together to make one whole song and other times I simply wait until the words find me. Typically I pick up "Effy" (My guitar, see yesterday for a picture) and just start strumming or finger picking a few different new tunes for fun and see what happens. The one and most important rule for me is, that I never scrap a piece of paper or delete a 'SHIT SONG' as you never know how it may evolve or how the audience may evolve. Writing from the heart is key in my music and it's why it means the world to me. Even the songs I have written that would fall under the fiction genre are still very much a projection of me in some way or another. Again this is another handy tool for finding inspiration. Empathy is a powerful emotion and gives you the ability to create thoughts of how you think it might feel and can be very useful when writing. Don't pin your writing down to a plain of self emotion. Open yourself up to a world of possibility. If you decide to follow my blips you will quickly see how passionate I am about my music, expression and understanding of concepts.

"It means nothing to millions, but millions to me" - Matthew Swegsda

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