
By Orc2009

I went to Hoxa Head in the hope of seeing orcas but, in spite of several hours watching, I was unsuccesful. Truly they are the most thoughtless of the whales. About 20 people passed, many who seemed also to be on the look-out. I was joined by a researcher from St Andrews in Orkney studying the decline of harbour seals here. I had to admit that I missed the talk she gave on the subject recently. She was hoping to see orcas too and within five minutes of setting up, she had found a harbour porpoise. But then, her scope was much bigger than mine! We saw it several times, or other single animals. I was sorry to see the roofs caved in on the gun emplacements there. At the other battery, Balfour, I noticed at least eight Magpie moths on the concrete, possibly taking advantage of the colld and shade. Technivally it is called 'The Magpie' but it is rather odd to write 'eight The Magpies'.

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