
By wingpig

until you see the whites of the eyes

If I'd been waving a rolled-up newspaper this little arthropodal gentleperson wouldn't have stood a chance. Perhaps it has become habituated to humans. It did flap away when I tried to get above it though. Hopefully it will make a tasty meal for a nice spider to sustain it a few more months until the wasp season begins.

Working this morning so not much time for wandering around in the pretty sunshine. There was a squad of people in red tracksuits were doing something with a yellow object on the green grass on the grassy bit just underneath the castle. Despite the excellent view from the office window I was unable to work out what they were doing. I suspect now that it might have had something to do with the huge column of drunken oafish marching-folk blocking my way across George IV and Forrest Road on the way home. Not entirely sure what they were marching in aid of but I'm sure they could have done so equally effectively without the leering, shouting and alcohol.

It's probably all due to working on a Saturday but this weekend feels like it's going to be very short. There is the obvious one-hour deduction but that will at least make the evening last longer all next week. Off to sleep now to make sure I catch the effectively-later dawn and get as much out of tomorrow as possible.

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