Ibiza Rocks

Ibiza rocks, but not the music type tonight...a night off for me as my writer friend didn't fancy it & I'm not great at doing the photography and the review...I feel like I can only focus on one aspect or the other! So to celebrate an evening off, we made burgers (& packed them full of chia and basil) & took them down to the rocks with a beer or 2 and our cameras. Asha thoroughly enjoyed photographing the sea WITH HER PINK CAMERA (!!) & searching for (& finding) crabs... 

Had a great morning, one that leaves you feeling like you've ticked lots of boxes.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lovely comments from a lovely blipper.
2) Asha discovering the joy of Enid Blyton's Magic Faraway Tree. We've been reading a chapter or 2 a day...takes me back to my parents reading it to my sister and me...Love seeing the excitement on her face as she's hearing the descriptions of everything...and she learning lots of new words too! 
3) My 70-300mm lense...took it out with me to the rocks tonight...I don't use it often, but I really enjoyed it tonight...it made me see different things. I've added in a extra of a little rock pool...not the greatest pic but there was something I liked about it...

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