Blip in the Kitchen Sink

I carefully removed my blip from the kitchen sink and placed her on the wall outside, where she posed a while for blipping.

I've looked her up online and discovered she's a Daddy Long-legs Spider also known as a Long-Legged Cellar Spider...

... Not to be confused with the sort of Daddy Long Legs that are actually Crane Flies (you know the flappy spidery looking jumpy things with wings but only 6 legs, being insects), or a Harvestman that isn't a spider at all as it only has a one part body, but has 8 legs, only 2 eyes, no venom, no silk but is still an arachnid! Yes it's confusing having three tiny creatures all with the same common name!

Anyway my blip spider says to tell you about her too, so: she's bigger than her partner by 2mm, she has a cylindrical body and 8 eyes (she must've closed some for the pic!!). She's a predator, often using a large flat web of any shape but she can also throw silk at a victim to catch it. She can be cannibalistic but is a good mother, carrying her eggs with her mouth and feeding her young.

I think she's a lot more interesting than the customer service line I was on regarding my new washing machine, delivered yesterday, that DOESNT WORK properly. I'm so cross about it... and ... breathe.

She also more interesting than updating my log book for walking... distracted me? Never!

The day has a good ending as the 4 of us are about to walk across the fields to a local pub for dinner. We are making the most of these few warm days.

Ps wanted to post extra for ID purposes but can't. Edit in Friday: I have now but it's not easy to get the add photos button to work

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