Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy


Two more days to go before the end of term. 

The end of the shittiest term in my time of teaching.  There have been times where I reflect on things and feel that walking away is actually an option.  Working in the public sector does leave you vulnerable and powerless sometimes: you can't say and do what is right, and when you do you are screwed.  90% of people are great, so why does that 10% cause such pain?

So happy I work with the best people there are to be with.  If it weren't for them it would be unbearable.

Roll on next year, going to be great.


Whole school trip to Manchester Museum of Science and Industry today, wasn't in the mood one bit, but it's kids like this one that can cheer you up in an instant and bring you back into focus.  One of the ones I am going to miss when they move on.

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