
By NamaKris


Today, my husband and I drove to the Orenco area to pick up my doll that a cousin was repairing. She collects dolls and has over a thousand on display in different parts of her home. She offered me any doll that I wanted from her collection but I politely deferred to her, to choose a doll for me.
She decided on a doll that belonged to her brother's deceased wife. The doll was dressed in an outfit style of the Civil War era and since it was the deceased woman's favorite doll, the doll was placed in the viewing room before the sister in law's funeral service. Later, this cousin tried to give the doll to the woman's daughter who declined the offer since she was mad at her mother.
I was in a rush to remove the mildew smelling, very dusty clothes and did not take a before and after photo. The clothes and hat were glued on.
She looks much better and now has a job as a model for my photography.

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