What's Up...Doc?

What was up, was the time…Mainly very early this morning (about midnight plus a bit) when The Boss who should have been counting sheep was actually trying to figure out how to record the rain on the window in the dead of night.
Anyway it was ultimately achieved by using the torch light on his iPhone to side light the water on the window while the camera played time exposure for 20 seconds.
Everything was manual here especially focus so just imagine him in the room with all the lights out waving his phone on the window while the camera counted down.
 The image is of Chaffers Dock on the Wellington wharf and he had been sitting looking at it through a soggy window and then trying to capture that look.
Then (at last) we went to bed and are now back home where excitement struck again as we were riding back to Wanaka, The Bossess was starting to get on a flight to Christchurch when all hell broke out and the building was evacuated cos some one had left a “There is a bomb in the plane” message on the Qantas flight that had just landed.
Anyway 2 hours later (which was mostly spent outside the terminal, shivering) she finally left while The Boss was home…toasting crumpets for tea…his.

Reporting by TT and T (That famous team)

Pawscript…Yes I was pleased to see him and sniffed accordingly. T

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