
By gwdodds

I bet I wouldn't look goo on the dance floor!

I'm sat between the trainers and the smelly t- shirt writing todays blog!! I've realised today how unfit I am and how hard 50 consecutive days will be :( my legs ache and I'm deliberately trying to be gentle with them.. Tomorrow shall be a day of walking I think! Anyway today's smells... Bacon, bacon and more bacon! How cruel is that?!? I need to drop my car at the garage hence the shorter morning trot but I probably wouldn't have bothered in the past - so that's good. And I'm enjoying the garden much more in the morning with my cuppa to recover with & I've also realised that helps me relax before work - all good things which alongside Alan Titchmarch doing the current garden show on TV really does show how therapeutic a garden or any outdoor space can ease the mind.. Something to ponder whilst u review our work towards "greening the nhs estate" in Scotland. Oh and I had my first dog chase me today too ... Sped me up just a little did that!! See u tomorrow folks :)

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