Mum & Dad

Lazy morning in Edinburgh, breakfast, and farewells to J & N.

Travelled home to Wigan to see my Mum & Dad.
My Dad picked me up at the train station and we went to the hospital to visit my Mum.

Here they are 51 years ago (Mum 25yrs & Dad 29yrs).

LB's Mum asked me the other day if they'd had their Golden Wedding yet...
Mmmm... I thought they'd been married 50 years but I can't remember a big party!!!

After hospital visiting and dinner tonight my Dad and I shared a beer & crackers & cheese, and we got onto this photo and their 'courting' days...

So now I know!!!...

51 years together,
48 years married,
And now 76 & 80 years young!!

The photo is of them on their weekly Wednesday afternoon midweek date in Southport sitting at their favourite spot by the lake.

Apparently my Mum always had Wednesday afternoons off work, & so my Dad 'took' them off too (aka skiving!!) Xx

Love them to bits xx

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