My 365 Photo Challenge

By Sarahsblips

It's all gone wrong

So it seems that although there isn't anything wrong with my move. The place that the current owner of the house is moving into isn't ready.
So I am looking at having a delay.
Total nightmare as I don't have anywhere to live as of the end of this month!
So many phone calls today!
Going to have to put all my stuff in storage, find somewhere to live for however long and spend more money!
I know this is normal when you move house but I am finding it a total nightmare at the moment!

So grateful for wonderful, supportive people in my life!

Andrew came over tonight and we had the cava! Yesterday he also bought me a little gift for my new house. Some amazing smelling potpourri! Can't wait to put this out I think I'm going to put it in the bathroom as it matches the colour scheme in there!

Trying to stay positive! It will all be sorted out eventually!
Fingers crossed its soon!

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