River Tame

We had a good time at the football yesterday although it has to be said that the matches were not as entertaining as Sundays. The atmosphere was great for the first one, lots of excited Japanese but a lot of people went home before the second game, I assume to watch Team GB play Uruguay. It was a great experience though!

Lucy and Rob have gone to Mum's today for lunch so I'm taking this opportunity to post my photo. The hours seem to fly by when they are around and I feel I'm constantly playing catch-up on blip at the moment. This is the view of the River Tame as it goes through Tamworth, it joins with the River Anker just before the bridge you can see in the distance and then heads out towards Hopwas. You can also see some of the high-rise accommodation built in the late 60's/early 70's to cater for Tamworths dramatic population increase.

I have a long list of things to do today so will catch up with you all later. Is it really Friday again tomorrow????

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