In My World

By JoanneInOz


During another long and tiresome day at work, a little bright spark, filled with magic, brought a spot of light into the day.

My daughter's friend called in at work, bringing her beautiful little daughter Ziana, who turned two years old just last week.

Ziana's cute little smile can light up any room, and lighten the load of a weary day.

Just one more day to go until the weekend (not that I'm counting!) I know already that Saturday will be another big day...I also know that the events of Saturday will be what I will be blipping about!

After Saturday, it will be back to normal life, and I can catch up on how everyone has been spending the last week also.

Thank you so much to those who have continued to drop by my journal and leave comments, while I have been so busy during these last couple of weeks.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and no, it isn't (as Murphy proclaimed) the headlight of an oncoming train!!

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