
By prostel

No politics

Last night I was at shift and my mother was staying at our hospital since she had been operated in her knee. I saw my grandmother in my dream. She fell in my dream . I asked her if she had fallen because of earthquake and she answered me "no". Her mouth, nose and chin were covered in blood in my dream. I wrote my dream in my iPhone as a bliper friend had told me do so.( love to Hillary). An hour later my aunt called me and sad me that my grandmother had fallen indeed in bathroom and her face had been covered with blood.
I showed my notes about my dream to my mother and she was shocked.

We came to my grandmother's house in the afternoon since my mom was discharged from hospital. I took the photo of two victims of poor health conditions. I am sorry for my grandmother but she helped me to trust in my dreams again. You should do the same.
Love to all.

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