Charlie is 5!

Birthday fun today - lots of present and card opening today and chatting with the grandparents on FaceTime.

C was made up with his new big boy Avengers bike and wanted to try it out up and down the lounge. After opening all sorts of lovely things, superhero related, car tracks, minions and Lego, we headed to Southampton to my Auntie's for the day.

C built Lego with my uncle and we sat in the garden eating lunch and with R tottering around. We had a big walk in the woods after lunch which is always a highlight for C - and then headed home after gathering all the b'day toys up. A stop off for tea on the way home and then a try out of the new bike before bed.
Wow - lovely day, what a lucky boy with so many kind wishes and gifts. C couldn't quite believe he is actually now 5, and neither can I!

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