
Sam and Laila came round again:-) and Jaz. I got up an hour before they came and hovered washed up and ate lunch. Then I iced some cakes and decorated them I put a bit too much red food colouring in them however haha. Then we all played with lego and the fruities and made a fairground I think we were enjoying it more than the small children. Then we had whizzers outside went on the pogostick, skipping, played piggy in the middle and clapping games, was pretty exhausting. Also as Sam really likes games so we played a polar bear one where you had to hit the ice.. things got a bit aggressive.. Jas stayed over and we posted the letters and got some garlic doughballs from the shop watched a film and did our nails, good day :-) mum and dad habe now decided to tear down the wallpaper in the hallway and all the way up the stairs so this is what I can hear now !

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