Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Fish and Chips

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Yesterday Bb and I took a stack of papers to be shredded out in an industrial estate on the outskirts of Barcelona.  It wasn't without problems: Bb had problems getting the car from shared car pool we're members of as it was such a long time since we've needed one;  then we got hopelessly lost and were going in the wrong direction at one point because of the GPS system (of course!) and eventually the young lad in the shredding company  guided us in by phone.  No time to come back to the house before Bb's coaching session at IESE, so for me it was actually quite nice to sit in the plush surroundings and enjoy a cup of coffee (first in a month) and a sandwich.  At night we decided to try again to get into the Fish and Chips shop.  It's always so busy and when we tried recently we were too hungry to wait.  This week they opened up a 2nd branch and so we tried our luck there - bingo!  We got a table on the terrace.  Our verdict was 8 out of 10 from me and 7.5 out of 10 from Bb.  At €7.50 for a satisfying quantify of lovely fresh fish in batter and chips (despite the appearance of not being enough) served with tartare sauce and salt and vinegar we'll definitely be back when we fancy a taste of home.  It wasn't exactly a fish supper from Crail or St Andrews but as close as we're going to get here.  It's owned and run by a team of Indian and Spanish guys.  Good to see a business doing well these days. 

For our record: Calle Balmes 244

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