Cameras, old & reflected

I continued my new task this morning, photographing objects in the collection at the Stetson House Museum, the headquarters of the Hanover Historical Society. I'm an Executive Board member and longtime member, so taking photos is a great way for me to volunteer. Here's a very old compass dial in the collection and part of an old sextant crafted in England. Here are some of the ink bottles similar to the one in my recent painting. I'm having fun and the director has posted some to the Society's facebook page.

We decided on a company to do the Ductless AC replacement.Now to get a date for the installation, the heat is killing me, I can't take it much longer.

Two old an special friends dropped in this afternoon, so today was special even if it's still so hot. We didn't take any photos today which I regret! It must be the heat, but we'll be getting together again soon.

For the Record,
This day came in hot but less humid.

All hands healthy

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