Daffs Snaps

By Daff

Can you guess what it is yet?

I've been so busy baking today (Thursday) I completely forgot it was my blip anniversary, so a hastily decorated cake to celebrate - inspired by the Olympics I've tried to re-create the grassy hill with flags and the magnificent copper cauldron holding the Olympic Flame! (I could only manage one petal!)
I should have realised I was coming up to my 730'th as Emy celebrated hers a couple of days ago and it was she who persuaded me to start blipping two years ago! Thanks Emy!
I've been a little slack in commenting lately but I do appreciate all those who visit my journal, especially with stars and hearts - Thankyou Blippers - you're a fantastic group.

Off to rehearsals now so will catch up on commenting later (how many times have I said that !! )

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