
2years 286days

In a slight break from the Olympic mini series, you today have Katie on a ride that she absolutely loved in the middle of York. We went for a day out there today - in large to get the last bits for our trip away to the Olympics, actually!

We headed to York, because tshirts we ordered havent arrived yet and I wanted to find a nice something for her to wear. We stopped at the big Tesco, and they had nothing. So we stopped at Mothercare. I found a REALLY cute outfit, a little swing top featuring Pride the Lion with a union jack cape attached to the back, it's fab! She got some Team GB socks and a cute red & white hat too. She had a ball in Mothercare as they have ditched the photography area and turned it into a big playspace. They had a slide, trampoline, ball pool, play house, dolls houses, kitchen stuff. She loved it!

We then went into the centre and parked near the river. We had a lovely walk along, and she spotted the ice cream van. She insisted she wanted a bright blue lolly. She got ice cream in a teddy cone, and accepted it. In a rather embarassing moment, she spotted a man on a barge, with no shirt and started laughing quite loudly and enthusiastically about "how silly, no shirt on boat" was. We had a walk through the museum gardens into the precinct. She had another long play, this time in the Kermit Shop (Disney Store) - she chose a long playlist of Muppets songs on their "juke box", that puts videos on the big screen. I am always impressed with her there as she never insists on a toy. Just goes in to play. In fact, she said "I already have a kermit, I dont need two, just say hello".

After the Disney Store, we stopped at the York Summer Fair. Here is where she went on this train ride, and grinned the entire way round. It was lovely seeing how confident she was to go on, by herself, in the front carriage and grin. She then went on a Carousel, but it was a bouncy castle - no horses, just netted in sides and a big bouncy circular area where the children bounced round. She loved it!!

A quick stop at Whittards (she had three free drinks!) before we watched "The Man with the Big Balls". Seriously. His act is balancing on an even bigger version of a birthing ball, and then juggling, catching, walking round. She sat in the row of children going round the edge of the front of the crowd and laughed away with the audience. One last stop at the Peter Rabbit shop and it was time for home, ready for tea with GrannyGrandad. She proudly showed them all the Olympic goodies and is now in bed, singing Jingle Bells. Loudly.

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