Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Back blip, since I was rather beat when I came home. Great day with two fun meetings during the day and one necessary in the morning. I had to get up early for my first one and had an hour and half at home between the next two. At 11 I was waiting at the train station to get picket up by a friend in her car and go to her allotment. She wanted to get rid of berries and asked me if I wanted to come an pick some. Yes please! So I was there a couple of hours, had a wonderful time, back home at 2 to eat and then on my way again by bus after 3 o clock, to meet another friend at 4. Since I get very tired from social meetings I was tired already when I met her, but just seeing her got my energy up and we talked a lot about future plans and matters of the heart, and I had a chai latte. :D It broke my heart a bit though, something she said to me... She told me that with everything going on in the world, with Daesh and likes, she is afraid, because she's muslim. She's afraid that people are going to turn on muslims just because they are muslims... I didn't really know what to tell her, because I understand her fear...but I tried to reassure her that normal thinking people knows the difference between a muslim and crazy Daesh jihadists. We can't judge people from their appearances no matter how scared we are...
I was home at 7 and so tired that I could hardly think... :D

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