
Before I forget; I'm not ignoring the Facebook comments but can't reply because Facebook is banned here!!

Another day, another flight over another mountain range to another province. We're in Guilin now and jings but it's hot. Known as one of the five furnaces of China and now I know why! I read these things in the travel books but don't really pay enough attention. On the way to the hotel I told the taxi driver how great it was that there was almost no traffic. Ah but Guilin is very small, he said, only 700,000 people. Mmmm.

Big disappointment at the hotel though, the air-con in the room I'd booked is bust and we've been moved; so no tub on the terrace and not even a terrace. Instead we've been forced to retire to the bar (well, a room next to a fridge of beer and that's close enough).

After a couple of disappointing days, normal service had been resumed on the food front. We're stuffed full of fried rice, green beans & pork, beef & mango. That last one is really great, will have to add it to my 'must try to cook' list.

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