
By ChrisGroucutt

Highly Strung

The family asked 'en masse' if I could teach them guitar, and in the absence of a proper guitar teacher being on hand I couldn't really say no.

Now in our house there are lots and lots (and lots) of guitars. But... most of them you have to plug in to hear anything, so the scramble was on for acoustic guitars. There are a few in the house, but I figured I'd get the Spanish guitars up to scratch for the nippers to learn on.

This meant they needed a bit of attention, a good clean, and new strings, at which point I realised I've never actually restrung a classical guitar with the fiddly twisty bits at the bottom. (Electric strings have the little bobble bit at the end of the string.. much easier).

And I'm actually a little ashamed to admit that the reason we have two classical guitars, is because once, when I had a session booked in London to play a nylon string solo on a dance record, I actually went out and bought a new guitar rather than restring our old one.

But armed with a youtube tutorial it wasn't so hard to do in the end, and with new strings installed we had our little lesson. 

And the lesson actually was ok, considering I once banned myself from teaching Mrs G guitar because she was a naughty student who wouldn't behave, but she was on best behaviour today and she can go back on the register.

Three chords down... loads to go.


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