Pink's photos

By PinkTransit


Lion's Ointment .....

I remember that my mum had a pot of this for many years - kept in the first-aid box (an old ice-cream box with First Aid written on a label on the front). It may even have belonged to my Granny at one point (or I may be taking nostalgia too far here :-) ) - a semi-opaque plastic pot, with a screw top lid, that was brought out whenever my sisters or I had a splinter.. A spot of Lion's, and a plaster on top, and the splinter would be out in the morning.

I remember the smell of it, the colour of it (a deep amber colour), and, probably most of all, the love with which it was applied. Not to mention that it was FAR less painful than trying to dig out the splinter with a needle.. It's tied up with so many childhood memories, and then today, out shopping, I found this :-)

I haven't opened it yet - I will be quite upset if it's not the same as I remember it...

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