
By LeeAnne


That look like muffins! Hurrah!

I hope they're hungry at work tomorrow... I've been baking since I got in from work. Two loads of strawberry and a load of chocolate muffins. Not quite sure how I'm going to get them to work... I fear I may have to empty every tupperware box I own!

One more day at work to go then I'm on holiday in my own town! My boss at work has given me a VIP voucher for afternoon tea with Champers at the Signet Library... Gem is packing a tea dress... I suspect I may need to up my game!

How typical is it that I'm off on holiday next week and I have a cold coming on? I'm going to take myself to bed, first I'm going to write a note to my postie to apologise for the mucky friends I seem to have acquired via the not so Secret Postcard Society!


Oh... and I almost forgot... when I got home tonight I checked my little tray of willy chilli seeds that MrJohn sent me and I have a sproutling (no idea what the technical name is for it) but woohoo for actually growing something! If I manage to grow a chilli I shall be seriously chuffed!

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