Waiting for . . .

First things first, please be sure to read this linked to posting from Blip Central . . . not alarming, it's just they want us all to confirm our email is up to date. They need our support to make their work easier so have a quick look and also copy in the link in your next blips . . .


Back to the title . . .

As a man and a husband I have long wondered what the total number of minutes I spend waiting for Dd is. I once calculated, in the days of screw on and off toothpaste caps, how many days in my life I would spend dedicated to that task - 8.35 entire days was the answer. Waiting for Dd is in a quite other league!

Today I'm also waiting for two blippers who unfortunately missed their flight and so our planned dinner a quatre will no longer take place. There is an outside chance that I will be back at this table when they arrive after midnight at the hotel next door! And we have brunch to look forward to and hear just how they managed it!

In other news my book received a magnificent review on Amazon from one of my closest blipper-kin, to add to the several many of you have already left. Thanks to her and everyone else for the support. It gave me an excuse to update the FB page of the author and boost it out to over 9,000 people which comes out of my modest marketing budget. Let's see what happens.

You will have noticed that my waiting is often ameliorated by having the Car magazine to hand. I still find it comforting to sink into some design reverie - the look of the thing is what does it for me. Something fresh is increasingly hard to achieve in this safety regulated world. Where are the 2CVs, the first Ford Fiestas or Renault 5s of today. Bring back thin windscreen pillars, please, even if you have to make them of titanium!

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