Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Power station

Heard [Sir] Bradley Wiggins go on about power last night in cycling last night; read up a bit on the net at lunch and kinda figured out why I was less than a quarter of the power of him (apart from the obvious fitness, strength, age, talent, lardiness....). It would appear that there is actually some technique involved in cycling. Next thing is to actually work out how to improve (over the obvious variables of fitness, strength and lardiness). Wasn't happening after 15 mins on the web though as I made slow progress back home, legs are a bit buggered and a weekend of drinking is probably what is required to get me sorted out again.

Anyway this place pumps out 2,400 megawatts, puts my 84 on the run home tonight to shame.

Damn Strava and their stats......

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