Out of the woods

By Ulrike


do you remember this and this one of my pumpkin seedling? Well, I can proudly report that is has quadrupled its size several times, and has flowered continuously since late May. I was a bit worried since all I could see were male flowers. But I read on a garden blog online that the female flowers are more scarce and appear later on, and so it was with my plant as well - four female flowers on the first plant so far. One started with a small fruit which fell off, a bit rotten on top (and a big disappointment for me), the second one fell off without any signs of fruit, but the last two are looking good. I helped with the pollination as recommended several places I read online, and this little baby pumpkin is still alive and growing nicely. 
I don´t want to celebrate too early, but there is a good chance for my very own Halloween pumpkin this year :-)

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