
By Runningbackwards

Corte, Corsica

After booking a room in Manchester that was too small, having to book another at vast expense, getting up at 3 in the morning to fly to Corsica..... Actually what am I complaining about - we're on holiday.

Bastia was quite impressive, the Corsica train system is amazing and my school boy French just about managed to get us to tonight's accommodation after a mix up meant that it was 4km from the train station not the 3 minute walk we'd expected.

Anyway, the owner got us in the back of his van, side door open (for ventilation of course) and drove us here. They've left beer and water in the fridge, fresh plums from the garden on the table. First experience of airbnb is going well.

Climbing to look forward to tomorrow. Corsica is stunning. The train was full of German students bound for the outdoors.

This is Corte station. Not huge!

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