Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Mama and #4

I decided to stop at the Osprey nest this morning on my way to the hospital and was happy to catch the mother Osprey and her baby in a place where I could get a picture, albeit a little fuzzy.  What I didn't know was that s/he fledged this morning a few hours before this shot.  S/he was the last hatched and the lone survivor of the four chicks who were born in May.  I checked in on the web site before posting this and read the news about the fledging.  S/he is 59 days old today.  I liked the extra too because it looks like mom is giving important advice.  ;-)

And now for the best news of the day....Gail (my SiL) is responding well to the steroids and is already doing much better.  The doctor says her lungs are clearer and is happy with her progress.  So are we!!  Thanks to everyone for your prayers and positive vibes, it looks like they have worked!  :-))

I really believe that I will have time to get back to your journals tomorrow.  Thanks for sticking with me through this difficult time! <3

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