Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


ok so another late posting but it's not my fault. had to rush home and get ready to go out for a meal with the parent's of the children in baby McD's class.
as it turns out not as bad a night as i thought it may have been and met some really nice folk.

anyway today's blip is another of the cafe regulars but it is the first time i have met her as she is normally in after i have been and gone. today however was a very late lunch and so i was introduced to sue. lovely woman who kindly allowed me to use her for blip today. thanks sue, it was nice meeting you. (alternate shot of sue)

gill the owner of the cafe has started getting me to take shots of all the regulars so we can have a rogues gallery up behind the counter and she is asked if i'd like to stick up some shots to see if they sell. so still have to decide on which ones to use and pick ones to go up in the other shop that has offered to let me try and sell some.
any opinions are greatly appreciated as i really am having trouble deciding what to try and use.

anyway off to bed,
night folks...............................

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