Gifts of Grace

By grace

Well done

Em did good - apparently :-)

I feel I did too today.

Confronted by possible domestic violence, not at home but close by, a couple of nights back I instinctively flew to my feet to intervene but some element of self-preservation stopped me in my tracks.  The first rule of First Aid - don't create another victim - came to mind.  Things quietened down but I had a sleepless night.

I had a Skype inquiry booked with a fellow Ridhwan student in Denmark and things became clearer.  We traversed the upset and the memories and a new feeling of clarity arose along with the inner support to seek support for myself rather than deal with it alone.  This was not OK with me, I could not stand by if it happened again and I would seek advice as to what to do.

So today I spoke to the Domestic Violence Scotland Helpline - who were indeed clear and helpful.  Then I walked round to the Police Station to ask for their advice.  I'd planned to do this but the helpline stressed that it was worth getting a feel for the lie of the land with the local police as 'though the 'zero tolerance' policy is clear, the actual implementation depends on individual personalities and culture. The female sergeant on the duty desk gave me wise advice and emphasised that when I make the call, which I will at the first hint of any repetition, I have to repeat as many times as I can that if the police come they are to keep me completely out of it.  Otherwise they are quite likely to put me in harm's way by opening their big mouths.  ALL worth knowing.

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