Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Visiting Greats

We stayed overnight with Great Grandmama then took lunch to spend some time with Great Granny and Great Grandad. Granny was on excellent form and interacted with the children the whole time. My favourite moment was when Euan took over one of the toy cats and she said "oh, hello Tiddles" and Euan said "I call him Soft" and she replied to him, "well I call him Tiddles!" The look Euan gave her was very amusing as he processed this, then he stalked off, presumably to play with someone (Rhona) who didn't question the names he had given the cats! Grandad was his usual self.
"So, we're going out for lunch?" was asked as soon as I got in the door but I explained I wasn't able to take them and the kids all out so he seemed to accept that. Until the carer came in that is, "We're going out for lunch today" he says, but I replied that I had brought lunch. The quiche and pork pies salad went down well and then a cup of tea and a last play with the kids before we headed back to Aberdeen.

We stopped in by Gran and Great Granda on the way home so, in one day, they saw 4 of their 5 Great Grandparents.Very lucky children!

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