Edinburgh: Day 4

I had a shower this morning....well I was going to meet a Lady and a Rear Admiral! 

Princess dwalletta came in her carriage and took us for a tour of the Dwalletta/Pensioner Estate...and what a delightful place it is too! We dined in the local hostelry overlooking the sea and their beach. It was another splendid blip meet. Thank you both for a lovely day.

LadyG and I then hopped on the number 16 bus back into town where we popped into the National Portrait Gallery to mooch around the Taylor Wessing Portrait Exhibition...some great pics, some unusual pics and some pics I'm going to try and emulate!

Next on the LG itinerary was our first event of The Fringe...Closer by Circa. Oh, wow, wow, wow.....it was amazing! Five gymnastic dancers left me speechless at their performance. They danced, swung, spun, balanced, climbed, twisted and twirled and much much more, it was utterly breathtaking. When I came out of the purple cow upside down tent I couldn't find the words to describe what I'd seen....

....so we found a place to eat. A sign said Try our haggis balls in beer batter so I did! Delicious. 

As we strolled homewards the Big Wheel caught our eye and I flippantly suggested we go on it....so we did. Oooh it was a little bit scary, but the views were fabulous. 

Another splendid day....and pandas tomorrow, I'm feeling rather giddy!

A few more pics here  

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