Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

A New Low!

Can it really be over 2 years since Spokes and I saw Minnesota's finest, Low, play a memorable show at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral? Apparently so. I blipped about it here...

Tonight we saw them again, this time in the only slightly less grandiose, in fact very lovely, surroundings of the Epstein Theatre (originally called Crane's Music Hall when it opened in 1913 but now named after Brian, of course).

Their current album, 'Ones and Sixes', is their 11th - and is as good as anything they've ever done. Tonight they gave another superb performance. In fact, two superb performances. They dispensed with a support act and supported themselves. Nice!

Their music ranges from the almost-poppy, such as 'What Part of Me' to the ear-shreddingly heavy, with a Neil Young-esque squall of guitar to the fore.

The full setlist went something like this...

No Comprende
Plastic Cup
The Innocents
Spanish Translation
Into You
Violent Past
On My Own
What Part of Me
Especially Me
Let's Stay Together (Yes, the one by Al Green. Or Tina Turner, if you prefer! Check out Low's cover here, it's brilliant... )
Will the Night

After the show I got to meet and shake hands with drummer, songwriter and vocalist, Mimi Parker and guitarist, songwriter and vocalist, Alan Sparhawk - which I was absolutely thrilled about! They look slightly less thrilled about meeting me... but were kind enough to let me take their picture anyway!!

Bassist, keyboard player and electronics maestro Steve Garrington is pictured in my Extra Photo.

"This is an intense town" said Sparhawk. "22% more gnarly as soon as you drive in. Your punks are more punk, your goths are more goth. It's weird!"

I thought Mimi was in particularly good voice tonight. As she sings in 'Especially Me'

"Some songs feel like butter
Some songs sound like cake
This little number
Is for your sake..."


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