indoor camping

what a week... 

I've been reminiscing ... it's the anniversary of little un coming to live with us and I love the fact that I blogged my feelings as they happened... so many memories have come flooding back after reading last year's posts... with that in mind,  it's worth noting the power struggles and breakthroughs this week...

We've had and immense row which came out of nowhere.... A quarrel that involved me properly putting my foot down and carrying a kicking, scratching tiddlypom home...  it resulted in me chucking her scooter onto someone elses lawn as I walked ... that was a bit of a shocker all round... she genuinely thought she was't going to get it back... in fact I didn't know at the time if she would... (fortunately it was retrieved by 'Granny' when I called for back up)... 

but you know you've had/participated in a proper meltdown moment, when neighbours in the village,  that you don't know, ask you how everything is going now...  So following this glitch we have a new regime,  and life is calmer... I'm using new tactics... Every moment of shouty, impolite, bossiness from little un,  is being picked up on, redirected and we're now doing second attempts at 'explaining  feelings in a nicer way'  So in other words Tiddlypom is being encouraged to be extremely polite and I'm modelling calm and good behaviour and setting an example...

Following this  awful day we had an awesome village picnic at the play park... just a lovely lunchtime spent with friends, with the kids playing and snacking and all getting to know each other, and the adults doing the same... 

Then an indoor camping day... The weather had turned a bit iffy.. and our new beach tent, that has been perched outside needed to be aired off and packed up... so what the hell, we shoved it in the living room in front of the tv, and had  a picnic whilst watching Madagascar 2... in fact we also had dinner in there as well... You never grow out of playing in tents... it was a novelty for us both :-) 

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