Tschingellochtighorn (Kit Kat Mountain)

We left the hut a little late as one scout didn't want to hike as she felt sore and had a headache. We finally got her going after some ibruprofen and tlc. Neverthelrss we kept a good pace and made up the lost time.

Tschingellochtighorn supposedly looks like a (half eaten) Kit Kat. When we set off, high up at 2659m it seemed an impossible target but we made it up through the meadows past cows with their constantly jangling bells, and sheep. Once again the wild flowers were diverse and plentiful even on the scree slopes. It's amazing how they grow in such little cracks and even attract butterflies and bees. We walked along the scree ridge and continued under the cliff that was the Kit Kat. Up close, there was a real sense of the enormity of the slate tower.

Thank you once again to those who follow my journal. I have been totally absent from yours and am even behind with my own blips.. So sorry.

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