DIY day

As the title and photo suggest, Tim and I had a full day of DIY today.  We got up about 7am, as we were expecting a Wickes delivery, then got on with it all.  I changed the bed first, then went out to collect a parcel from the post office and drop Tim's suit off at dry cleaners - while he got everything set up in the bathroom.

Our delivery (of a load of flooring and marine ply) turned up in good time, then we spent most of the day boxing in the waste stack in the bathroom.  We were on the go pretty much the whole time - it took ages!  Tim was the brains and the braun of the operation, and I was the helpful assistant.  It was exhausting though - not least because we had to keep going up and down the stairs to the communal area outside our flat in order to do all the sawing, etc.   

We finally finished just before dinner time, then I cooked us a big stir fry, and then we basically collapsed on the sofa for the rest of the night.

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