Buckland Abbey

Today, Mad Hen brought hubby and me to Buckland Abbey and I had the most unexpected meeting with ... Mydartmoorwalks!  His wife had come along, too, so the five of us explored the abbey together.  One of the extras shows the three blippers.  This shot is one of the windows with beautiful etchings.

The abbey was once set up and occupied by the Cisterian monks and was closed by order of Henry VIII, after which it became a privately-owned house and the second owner was none other than Sir Francis Drake.  In short, he was all over the place -- statues, info about the defeat of the Armada in 1588, and his adventures.  After a snack, we explored the lovely gardens -- beautiful flowers and luscious fruit and some sheep.

Paraphrasing something I read somewhere, 'A lovely afternoon was had by all.'

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