
By analogconvert13

Two Bumblers. Leica/Lumix Macro-Elmarit 45mm

I like to focus manually to get just the right parts nice and sharp. This takes time, and so far, my efforts trying to catch Bumblers sitting still long enough for the likes of me, have proven disappointing.  We went to the Allandale Farm, the oldest surviving farm within the city limits.  It's in Jamaica Plain.  While my Editor was hunting for the farm-grown tomatoes which had brought us there, I went out into the flower section.  I found several enormous Bumblers at work.  Perhaps they'd just escaped from the Methadone clinic at the nearby community hospital... At any rate, they were very lethargic in their pollen collection activities, taking much longer than usual to buzz from flower to flower.  I stalked backwards and forwards until, to my delight, two of them landed on a flower simultaneously.  How often does one get a twofa?!

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