
By AnnieBScotland

my rose...

literally! I have only one rose bush in the garden so far, left from the previous owners, and it only has two buds on it. I have been watching for this one to bloom, and already a petal seems to be dying off, so thought I should blip it while I can. played around with settings to get this dramatic effect, and cropped a bit, otherwise SOOC. I also seem to be making a habit (well twice!] of taking a flower then noticing a very tiny bug in the picture.

warm and sunny today, so have to get out in the garden, just bought a new hedge trimmer after daughter #2 borrowed mine for one day and managed to cut through the wire and fried the innards to the point where it couldn't be fixed! oh well, we love them really!!

john has gone off to a vintage motor bike run around Crieff today, but I'm sure we'll be glued to the olympics tonight. might even fit in a swim if I overdo the gardening!! hope everyone is having a greaqt weekend. blip seems quite quiet, so maybe everyone is glued to the box!!! go team GB!!

I don't believe it- it has just started to pour down!!!! nothing else for it but to switch on the TV....

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