Eastern tiger Swallowtail

Well the preliminary gymnastics events have started with today's first entry from the insect division : Team Tiger Swallowtail. The lone entry only showed up today , just barely  in time to participate .There was some concern that they might skip the competition entirely  this year as they had not been seen around the Olympic  venues at all. Apparently  the spectacular show put on  in yesterdays practice runs  by the Skippers (simply fabulous: spinning around each other and in and out of the stadium) fired up Lady Eastern who rushed out of her chrysalis to get here in time. She put on a graceful exhibition of her skills: grabbing pollen in all positions, including the upside down pollen grabbing position, full extended wings upright , and my favorite ,(not shown) standing on her head on the top of the flower.Will it be enough to make it into the finals? Only time will tell...

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