Magic's journal

By Magic


I have had a very busy day so far! Out to town to Angus Farmers' Market in Montrose, lots of people and dogs out and about.

I like to try and meet all the other dogs but MrsC&D distracts me, sometime with treats, so I do try to ignore them if I can.

MrC&D was helping with the Montrose Lifeboat Flagday so we tootled about town while he collected donations and handed out stickers. We met one of Eve's friends and we saw an ambulance zoom through the High Street, making a terrible noise with its sirens but I just looked and watched.....Mrs C&D was distracting me again with treats so that was lovely.

MrsC&D forgot my water, but the nice lady in Greggs gave us a spare cup so I could get a drink of water while we waited for everyone to finish and come back to meet us. We sat by the bus stop and we are DEFINITELY going on one soon! A number 47!

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