
I'm getting bored with the rain. The tent is, Bert is and apparently his bicycle is also. Starting with the tent: there was no leakage this morning, but when we started packing again, after a shower of four hours, we noticed the darkened tent floor at the edges and a large darkened stain in the centre. There was however no time to let the tent dry, because of the expected rain.

Berts bike seemed to be not working properly. Either he had or hand't power and his display was all blank. It is out of the question for him to climb mountains without assistance and we dreaded the moment the support would stop entirely. 

And we cycled up mountain wearing too warm rain clothes. We saw a deer, a large one, and he spotted us. The rain made our way downwards a hazardous journey. Our sight was blurred by rain on our glasses. Only in Orkanger was the first restaurant where we could sit for a while, getting warm, drinking coffee, eating pancakes.
We booked a hytte. Again. 
It is still raining.

Distance 47 kilometer 

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