Boat Week

The gales have dropped but still a breezy day.  There has been plenty of sunny spells, but the odd shower now and again. 

I was working in the museum office this morning, but short staffed and had to go help downstairs on the desk.  It's been a busy day, Boat Week is on.  There's been boat trips, boat film showings, boat lectures, Hay's Dock tours, story telling and bairns workshops,  and this kind of thing will continue for the rest of the week.  So far it's been really popular with tourists and locals.  Enjoyed a walk around Scalloway this evening and popped by friends for a chat too.  Off to work in the pub later.

All events have been selling out for Boat Week, a success so far.  Boats have been a necessity for island life snd still are for some.  With boats part of our heritage, there's no shortage in our museum collection.  This week is giving us a a chance to get boats out of the store and on display.  As you can see, people are loving looking at them, and learning about them too.  Taken at Hay's Dock, Shetland Museum, Lerwick. 

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