Day 8: Away Day

We had a break from the resort and ventured out along the coast. First stop was Baretti, where D wanted to look into a diving excursion. Unfortunately the diving people were out on their boat but he took their number so he can arrange it for another time. The views across the Mediterranean were beautiful.
Next we drove to Piombino, a harbour town, where there is castle we wanted to look round (also closed). We had a wander round the town and found a lovely restaurant for lunch. It is a very typical Italian town, just as you imagine Italy to be (see extras when I can get them to upload...).
We did a bit of food shopping in Venturina then came back to San Vincenzo and to the park.
It doesn't sound like the most exciting day but it was nice to get away from our resort and see a bit of the surrounding area. I'm working on getting in a trip to Florence, just have to persuade the rest of them....

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