Anemone Revisited!

Yesterday was my Blip anniversary day, after reaching 2500 Blips and I must thank everyone who left such glowing comments   I would like to thank each and every one of you too but it would take all day LOL, I never expected to reach such a total, or receive so many wonderful comments but not only that, it coincided with the publication of Digital Photo magazine, who carried a rather attractive Anemone picture of mine, the same strange is that?
So I thought I'd show you all that one today. The one thing which may interest many Blippers and it certainly made me sit up, was their Technical editors critique comments, which I totally agree with. He made the point that since it WAS a fllower picture I could cut down on the background and he is so right...he skewed the flower and cloned in the corners and it makes a real difference...dunno what you think?

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