Timing Awry

I got up at 0530 to help get Arthur off to his sports tournament this morning. I then went to watch the 1030 Kyoto Shoei vs Shonan Kagoshima game, but it didn't start until 1120 because the game before it, between Kanto One and Hiroshima Shinjo went to eleven innings and seemed to have been an exciting nailbiter. I enjoyed watching the final half hour. Unfortunately, the Kyoto/Kagoshima game was dull. An exciting first inning was followed by four no points innings so I returned home for a light snack before cycling to Amagasaki to watch Arthur run in his 100 meters race.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the 100 meters races were just finishing when I arrived at 1350. I stayed to watch the races until 1630. No sign of Arthur because the children were all in tents on the far side of the track. I took some photos of the 200 meters runners and headed home, disappointed that I had missed his event but I think he'll appreciate that I made the effort in this hot weather.

Arthur came second out of eight, disappointed with his fifteen seconds. He usually makes fourteen and he's aiming for thirteen before April 2017.

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