Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Wild and wonderful

evening all.

i don't really do camping.

it's charms i find dubious at the very least.

I am attracted to the idea to a spot of wild camping where you are at least free of the confines of dodgy old caravan and tenting parks run with all the joy of a forced labour camp.

With my extensive safari experience (harumph) and not having to squat in sand dunes, bum at the mercy of all sorts of nastiness as the ladies are forced to, i can survive the harshness of a Northumbrian night being battered by gale force winds with no more than a thin sheet of coloured plastic sheeting as protection, as well as any man.

(that is to say, not well at all!)

and when the "full bladder, need to pee now" alarm went off at 2 am, in the pitch dark, teeth of a gale, and you rip the tent zip irrepairably  trying to get out, then find you literally  are peeing into the wind,

the whole exercise loses whatever semblance of charm it may once have retained and it ceases to be amusing.......

night all

the almighty

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